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  TYPE100 (ControlAir Type 100 精密空气调压阀) 名称:ControlAir精密空气调压阀Type 100 型号:Type 100 品牌:ControlAir(康气通)
简介:ControlAir精密空气调压阀Type 100是高精度多级压力范围精密减压阀。这种压力控制装置可达到最高级别的压力调整精度和重复度。Type
在这个机构中主阀是由一个控制阀来控制,由此获得高测量精度和避免了传统减压器使用量程弹簧和隔膜片所引发的种种问题。 ControlAir调压阀Type 100的特点: 精密压力调节:Type 100可控制输出压力的精度高达0.1%, 压力变化即使小到0.06kPa都可自身修正。
输出稳定性: 该减压器对供气压力和流量的变化不敏感,流量变化(12SCFM以内)实际上根本不影响调节压力。
可靠起动: 长时间停机后,TYPE 100起动时会自动调整压力到原始输出设定值。
高流量释放功能:TYPE 100HR具有高流量释放功能,当调节压力设定成较低值或有大量系统背压要释放时,一个高流量释放阀为其提供了快速反应功能。
温变影响: 由于采用了不锈钢测量膜仓来驱动伺服控制机构,所以工作温度的变化不影响其稳定性能。 应用:ControlAir Type 100调压阀的典型应用场合为阀门执行机构,阀门气动定位器,风门和百叶窗执行机构,终端控制设备,继电器,气缸,丝网张

Mobile:17821719638 Website: Tel: (021) 37785053 8 Columbia Drive, Amherst, NH 03031 01/2007 441-622-001 Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Instructions Type 100 Precision Air Pressure Regulator INSTALLATION
The ControlAir Precision Pressure Regulator is designed for air service only. The maximum supply pressure is 150 PSI and the control range is indicated on the label. A filter (5 micron is recommended) should be installed ahead of the regulator to prevent foreign matter in the air line from affecting the performance of the regulator. If an air line lubricator is used it should be located downstream beyond the regulator. Clean all air lines thoroughly to remove dirt and scale. Apply a small amount of compound to the male threads only and install the regulator so that flow is in accordance with the IN and OUT ports. Make sure all connections are right and that the exhaust vents in the side of the regulator are not blocked shut. The regulator can be mounted in any position without affecting its operation. FOR PANEL MOUNTING, THE PANEL MOUNTING NUT SHOULD BE TIGHTENED WITH A TOURQUE OF 60 IN LBS. A pressure gauge may be attached to the regulator by removing the gauge port plug. NOTE: Repeated cycling of supply pressure may cause increased leakage and premature product failure.OPERATION
Back off the pressure adjusting knob before putting the regulator into operation initially. Turn on the supply pressure slowly and then turn the adjusting knob until the desired output pressure is reached. It is recommended that the supply pressure be a least 5 PSI more than the regulated pressure. Since this instrument utilizes an air bleed servo-control action, a slight sound of escaping air may be heard in the area of the bleed screw. This is normal and is required for the precise control which this regulator offers.
Occasional attention may be required due to the accumulation of foreign matter in the instrument. If gauge readings appear to fluctuate without cause this usually indicates that the bleed screw requires cleaning. This can be done by merely removing it from the body and cleaning both the screen and the bleed screw. Make sure that no foreign matter is plugging the small orifice in the tip of the screw. If further attention is required repair kits and replacement parts may be purchased.
ControlAir LLC products are warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of eighteen months from the date of sale, provided said products are used according to ControlAir LLC recommended usages. ControlAir LLC’s liability is limited to repair, purchase price refund, or replacement in kind, at ControlAir LLC’s sole option, of any products proved defective. ControlAir LLC reserves the right to discontinue manufacture of any product or change product materials, design or specifications without notice. Note: ControlAir does not assume responsibility for the selection, use, or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for the proper selection, use, and maintenance of any ControlAir product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.
WARNING: These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under Specifications.
Before using these products with fluids other than air, for non-industrial applications, life-support





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