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ControlAir Type 3500康气通高压调压阀图纸资料说明:




Type 3500 High Pressure Regulator Accurate and reliable first cut pressure regulator,The Type 3500 provides a low cost, dependable regulator to reduce inlet pressures from as high as 6000 psig (413 BAR) down to working pressures ranging between 0 and 225 psig (15.5 BAR).This first cut regulator is available in three separate spring ranges.These versatile devices can be used as pilot supply or pressure loading regulators where a high-pressure operating valve must be controlled by a gas regulator pilot. The Type 3500 is designed for use with noncorrosive gases.





中国销售中心| 版权所有上海泽鹏科技发展有限公司沪ICP备18041004号-2 

24小时服务热线021-37785053     手机微信17821719638      邮箱 :   | 上海市新龙路311弄宝龙城T6栋507室
精密背压调压阀型号700BP 710-BC精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-DD调压器 友情链接部分如下:
精密背压调压阀TYPE700BP 710-CC精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-BE调压器 LSYJC1A-7N限位开关
精密背压减压器型号710-BA 710-DC精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-CE调压器 CF卡\AF4GCFI-NPL001,CF卡\AF4GCFI
精密背压调压阀型号710-CA 710-BD精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-DE调压器 PST010AG12S-R
精密背压调压阀型号710-DA 710-CD精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-BF调压器 AF1GSDI-OEM