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康气通 ControlAir Type 400 通用型调压阀图纸资料说明:     
The Control Air Type 400 is a general purpose regulator designed to provide reliable performance under variable operating conditions. This quality unit is ideal as an economical alternative for control of industrial process applications. The regulation characteristics of the Type 400 have been proven to be superior to comparable competitive units. Durable materials and corrosion resistant construction provide reliable operation in harsh industrial environments.•Stable Output and Reliability Consistently meets control requirements under changing operatingconditions •Corrosion Resistant Contruction Die-cast housings are finished with irridite and epoxy paint •Low Droop at High Flow Levels Aspirator design helps maintain set pressure and minimize "droop" at higher flow levels •High Quality Level Each regulator receives a pressure, leak and flow test at the factory prior to shipment •Low Cost This economical unit is ideal for high volume OEM applications

Warranty ControlAir, Inc. products are warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of eighteen months from the date of sale, provided said products are used according to ControlAir, Inc. recommended usages. ControlAir,Inc.'s liability is limited to the repair, purchase price refund, or replacement in kind, at ControlAir, Inc.'s sole option, of any products proved defective. ControlAir, Inc. reserves the right to discontinue manufacture of any products or change products materials, designs or specifications without notice. Note: ControlAir does not assume responsibility for the selection, use, or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for the proper selection, use, and maintenance.


TYPE 550X精小型电极气转换器(I/P, E/P)

TYPE 5500数字通讯式电极气转换器

TYPE 900X精小型系列电极气转换器

TYPE 950XP防爆型电极气转换器

Dahl P200/P290防爆型气电极转换器(P/I)




TPYE 300系列空气过滤减压阀

TPYE 350空气过滤减压阀

TYPE 400通用型减压阀

TPYE 600高流量比例继动器

TPYE 650正偏置继动器

TYPE 700大流量减压阀

TYPE 700BP背压减压阀

TYPE 800微型减压阀

TYPE 850/860微型气/水减压阀









上海泽鹏科技 电话021-37785053 手机微信:17821719638 邮箱  | 上海市新龙路311弄宝龙城T6栋507室
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