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+ TYPE6000-EA
+ TYPE6000-DA
+ TYPE6000-DS
+ TYPE6000-ES
+ TYPE6500-EA
+ TYPE6500-FA
+ TYPE6600-ES
+ TYPE6600-FS


TYPE6000(ControlAir Type 6000 流量气动放大器)
名称:ControlAir气动放大器Type 6000

型号:Type 6000品牌:Control Air
ControlAir气动放大器Type 6000是高流量比例继动器,当和定位器或执行器一起使用时,1:1信号至输出继动器提高控制阀的速度,对于快速执行器往复提高气流量,可调旁路阀消除执行器过调或过阻,软座密封用于紧开关,可选铝制或316不绣钢结构





信号对输出比1:1 正负5%




应用:Type 6000气动放大器广泛应用于压力放大,康气通流量增加或远传压力控制等场合,其中包括丝网张紧装置,压力辊,控制阀执行器,电气转换器,气缸执行机构,离合器和刹车控制,以及气体流量控制,Kwords:气动放大器,ControAir气动放大器, 6000Title:气动放大器 ControlAir气动放大器Type 6000型号:TYPE6000-DA、TYPE6000-EA、TYPE6000-DS、TYPE6000-ES.
TYPE 6000Volume Booster INSTALLATION Maximum supply pressure is 150 psig (10 BAR). Maximum signal pressure is 150 psig (10 BAR). Operating temperatureis -400 F to 1600 F (-400 F to 710 C).Prior to installation clean all air lines to remove dirt and other debris. Apply a small amount of compound to the male threads only and install the volume booster so that the flow is in accordance with the IN and OUT ports as marked. The signal port is tapped into the volume booster through the 1/4” NPT connection on top of the unit. Make sure that allconnections are tight and that the exhaust vent on the side of the volume booster is not blocked shut. The volume booster can be mounted in any position without effecting operation.The use of a filter to remove dirt and liquid in the air line ahead of the booster is recommended for consistent performance. If an air line lubricator is used, it should be located downstream of the
Type-6000.OPERATION 1.Apply pressure of up to 150 psig to the supply port. Apply an input signal of up to 150 psig to the signal port. Use the bypass valve to make adjustments for stable operation.2. Turning the bypass valve clockwise (closing) speeds response but can lead to instability. Turning the bypass,valve counter clockwise (opening) aids stability but will slow the actuator’s response. By appropriately adjusting,the bypass valve, small signal changes will pass into the actuator or valve positioner without initiating booster operation.MAINTENANCE,Repair kits and replacement parts may be purchased. The vent holes in the bonnet should be kept clean. A slight flow of air through this hole is necessary for the proper operation of the volume booster.LIMITED WARRANTY & DISCLAIMER,ControlAir LLC products are warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of eighteen,months from the date of sale, provided said products are used according to ControlAir LLC recommended usages.ControlAir LLC's liability is limited to the repair, purchase price refund, or replacement in kind, at ControlAir LLC's sole,option, of any products proved defective. ControlAir LLC reserves the right to discontinue manufacture of any products or,change products materials, designs or specifications without notice. Note: ControlAir does not assume responsibility for the selection, use, or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for the proper selection, use, and maintenance of any ControlAir product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.WARNING WARNING: Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under Specifications.Before using these products with fluids other than air, for non-industrial applications, life-support systems, or other applications not within published specifications, consult ControlAir LLC












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