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ControlAir 康气通Type 700 精密高流量调压阀图纸资料说明:

Type 700 Precision Air Pressure Regulator For applications that require high flow capacity,The Type 700 is designed for applications that require high flow
capacity and accurate process control. A poppet valve balanced by a rolling diaphragm insures a constant output pressure even during wide supply pressure variations. Stability of regulated pressure is maintained under varying flow conditions through the use of an aspirator tube which adjusts the air supply in accordance with the flow velocity.F E A T U R E S •High Flow Capacity Allows flows up to 80 scfm (2,264 Nl/min) •Sensitive Senses output pressure deviations to within 1/8 inch water column pressure •Stable Output Dampening action of aspirator tube makes this regulator insensitive to changes in flow •On-line Maintenance Can be serviced without removal from air line






中国销售中心| 版权所有沪ICP备18041004号-2 

24小时服务热线021-37785053     手机微信17821719638      邮箱 :   | 上海市新龙路311弄宝龙城T6栋507室
精密背压调压阀型号700BP 710-BC精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-DD调压器 友情链接部分如下:
精密背压调压阀TYPE700BP 710-CC精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-BE调压器 LSYJC1A-7N限位开关
精密背压减压器型号710-BA 710-DC精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-CE调压器 CF卡\AF4GCFI-NPL001,CF卡\AF4GCFI
精密背压调压阀型号710-CA 710-BD精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-DE调压器 PST010AG12S-R
精密背压调压阀型号710-DA 710-CD精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-BF调压器 AF1GSDI-OEM