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专业销售精密调压阀|电动减压阀|电气转换器|继动器|流量放大器|康气通Controlairlnc |
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名称:71L/71H 高通或低通气动选定继动器 |
Mite Series 70/71/73 74/85Snap-acting, Pneumatic Relays Compact, rugged and precise "decision-making" switchesThe Mite Series of pneumatic relays offer precise control of air or gas service. Their snap-acting design automatically trips on either an increasing or decreasing signal.Mites are rugged, compact units engineered for high density applications. They are constructed to last and "make decisions" with crisp precision, cycle after cycle.Mite 70 Snap-acting control relay with manual reset Will either lock-up or vent control pressure to a valve when tripped Super Mite 71L/71H High pass or low pass pneumatic selecting relay Automatically selects the higher or lower of two input signals Mite 73 Snap-acting air signal monitor Accepts up to four inputs and can be reset automatically Mite 74 Snap-acting control relay with integral 3-way or 2-way valve Combines a Mite 70 with a precision 3-way or 2-way valve Mite 85 Snap-acting 3-way valve with two trip points Automatically activates back up controller if primary failsThe Mite series of pneumatic relays are engineered to switch, lock or vent various ports based on either an increasing or decreasing pneumatic signal. Their passive design, as well as precise, unerring and immediate decision making abilities make them the ideal solution to critical safety and emergency process controls found in the petroleum, chemical,gas-field or pharmaceutical industries. Their rugged,simple construction provides uncompromising reliability and long term performance with either air or gas service. Close an on-off valve in a gas line when line pressure drops below a set point. Supply pressure at "A" is transmitted to valve from "C" when Mite is operating. When gas line pressure –monitored at "E"–drops below set point, trip occurs, and valve operator is vented to atmosphere. | ||