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ControlAir康气通 Type 800超迷你型精密调压阀选型目录:


The Type 800 is a compact air regulator that supplies precise air pressure control for applications where space is limited. This high quality unit,available in five pressure ranges up to 100 psig (6.8 BAR), offers the same dependable performance as ControlAir's larger precision air pressure regulators. An oversized supply valve provides the Type 800 with significantly higher flow capacities than competitive units of similar size.The Type 800 is also available with a variety of convenient port sizes and mounting options. Corrosion resistant materials, lightweight construction and low cost, combine to make the Type800 ideal for any application wherespace is at a premium.•Precision Control Provides highly accurate air pressure regulation in a small package•High Flow Capacity Flows up to 5 SCFM•Stable Output Vibration damping mechanism keeps regulator stable under changing operating conditions •Repeatable Returns to set point when supply pressure is turned off and on•10-32,M5 and 1/16" NPT Porting•Self RelievingA P P L I C A T I O N SThe Type 800 is recommended for applications such as ink pressure control systems, control panels, hand held calibration and analyzing equipment as well as the operation of air cylinders and pneumatic logic systems






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精密背压调压阀型号700BP 710-BC精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-DD调压器 友情链接部分如下:
精密背压调压阀TYPE700BP 710-CC精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-BE调压器 LSYJC1A-7N限位开关
精密背压减压器型号710-BA 710-DC精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-CE调压器 CF卡\AF4GCFI-NPL001,CF卡\AF4GCFI
精密背压调压阀型号710-CA 710-BD精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-DE调压器 PST010AG12S-R
精密背压调压阀型号710-DA 710-CD精密背压减压器 康气通TYPE710-BF调压器 AF1GSDI-OEM