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康气通ControlAir Type 90超迷你型精密调压阀图纸资料说明:




The Type 90 is a miniature precision air pressure regulator. This pressure regulator provides the highest level of regulation accuracy and repeatability available in a compact, lightweight housing. A force balanced pilot control maintains output pressure to within 0.05psig (3.44 millibar) with minimal drift over time. The Type 90 is ideal for applications that require exact pressure control and substantial flow capacity under variable operating conditions and limited space.F E A T U R E S •High resolution adjustment of set pressure •Precision Control Highly accurate air pressure regulation in a small package•Pressure ranges up to 120 psig (8 BAR) •Compact & Lightweight •Available in NPT and BSP porting •Two gauge ports and reversible bracket allow front or back mounting



上海市新龙路311弄宝龙城T6栋507室   联络处 | 上海 | 济南 | 版权所有沪ICP备18041004号-2  V5055A1053/U燃烧阀门
泽鹏科技销售电话 : 021-37785053 手机微信 : 17821719638 邮箱 V5055A1046/U燃烧阀体
专业销售精密调压阀|减压阀 | 电气转换器 | 流量放大器 |平衡阀 | 电动比例阀 | 继动器仙童 |诺冠|康气通|SMC | honeywell | 柏勒夫