世界知名气动产品(康气通)ControlAir Type 90超迷你型精密调压阀选型目录:
该减压阀在紧凑、轻便的外壳中提供最高级别的调节精度和可重复性。力平衡的先导控制将输出压力保持在 0.05 psig (3.44 毫巴) 以内,并且随着时间的推移漂移最小。90 型非常适合在可变作条件和有限空间下需要精确压力控制和大流量的应用。
• 设定压力的高分辨率调整
• 精确控制 在小封装中实现高精度气压调节
• 压力范围高达 120 psig (8 BAR)
• 紧凑且轻便
• 提供 NPT 和 BSP 端口
• 两个仪表端口和可翻转支架允许正面或背面安装
Warranty ControlAir, Inc. products are warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of eighteen months from the date of sale, provided said products are used according to ControlAir, Inc. recommended usages. ControlAir, Inc.'s liability is limited to the repair, purchase price refund, or replacement in kind, at ControlAir, Inc.'s sole option, of any products proved defective. ControlAir, Inc. reserves the right to discontinue manufacture of any products or change products materials, designs or specifications without notice. Note: ControlAir does not assume responsibility for the selection, use, or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for the proper selection, use, and maintenance of any ControlAir product remains solely with the purchaser and end user. |